How much of the work you do today requires you to work with others to achieve an outcome? And, how much of your work is dependent on other people understanding your vision for change?
We all manage our work (and personal) lives differently, but the one constant is that we rely upon each other to do our work – to make change happen – and importantly, to succeed. That means, over the course of our lives, it is inevitable some change will be good for us, and that there will be changes we dislike. How we react to change as an individual impacts the teams we work in, and as a by-product, the organisations we work for. With so many vast individual approaches to managing and coping with change – multiplied by a diversity of opinions, values, relationships and beliefs in one organisational construct, this forms your organisational culture.
So, how do we influence organisational change to move towards new strategies, adopting new technologies, and ways of working? The practice of organisational change management (OCM) provides an approach to guiding these changes and nudging culture towards embracing new change.
From small projects to major transformations – OCM is about aligning individuals and teams to a common vision and outcomes through the use of engagement, communication, learning approaches, innovative and scientifically-proven tools and techniques.
So, if everyone is able to effect change differently, then what does the professional practice of change contribute to an organisation?
Change connects strategy with reality by working with teams and individuals to find a balance between delivering outcomes/benefits while creating sustainable work practices.
Enables people to lead and participate in the design and implementation of solutions (by using a strategic approach and plan for comprehensive engagement with stakeholders).
Facilitates positive change by assessing and advising on the most effective formal and informal levers for driving change (i.e. formal levers include governance structures, policies, processes, and informal levers include behaviours and work styles).
Uncovers and manages inherent risks of people in the change process – such as stakeholder resistance, reputational crises, and lower than expected returns on investment.
Coordinates complex and multiple enterprise changes through a proven approach to change, and a structured set of tools and techniques.
In this short blog, I’ve only scraped the surface of the practice of change – so please stay tuned for future blogs where I delve deeper into organisational change management concepts – and how they enhance an organisation’s capability to meet its vision, mission and objectives.